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Note: WeAreTeachers and PASCO asked me to review the Wireless Motion Sensor and MatchGraph! Software . This sponsored post contains my...
As Google Slides became most robust in its ability to compete with PowerPoint, the add-on Pear Deck sealed the deal for me.  I am convert!  ...
In my last post , I shared how I create Doodle Notes for my Science classes, including some technical and design tips.   It's such a hea...
In my last post I explored the cognitive advantages to using Doodle Notes in the classroom.  Downsides to providing students with a sheet ...
I’m sure you can recall a meeting or professional development where you’ve been without pen or paper and your mind wanders.  This happens to...
Here is a comparison summary of the planning, instruction and assessment considerations for the subject, learner and problem centered curric...
As I was exploring the relationships between the conceptions of curriculum, their philosophical foundations and curricular designs, I was fo...