Oh! The Places You'll Go!

I am obsessed with like decorating, but until I have a classroom to call my own (I'm what I like to call a "mobile teacher", usually teaching in 3 different classrooms) I claim the hallway bulletin boards.  

Here is an example of the bulletin board I created for our Grade 8 Open House.  I had a few days between semesters after my exams were marked and my report cards comments were sent away to work on this.  Yes... days...  that doesn't happen often!

This bulletin board advertises the courses that we offer in the Science Department.  Yep, that's Einstein leading the way!

He guides the students through the 3 pathways...

...and shows all of the courses they take in those pathways, and all of the units in those courses:

There are also the career opportunities, you know, "the places you'll go" if you follow that path.

And some trees for that beloved Seuss feel :)  The trees were the most fun to make!

I used the Grinched font I found on Dafont.com (love that site!), my inventory of bright papers, dollar store wrapping paper for the background and some dollar store ribbon for the balloon.  I laminate everything important things (hence why the picture is so shiny) so I've got this ready to go for next year!  

Grade School Giggle has some time saving tips on making bulletin boards.  I love the idea of using cloth for the background.  I remember reading about using dollar store table cloths too.  Great ideas - got any more?


  1. That bulletin board is AMAZING!! I Love it and am saving a picture of it for future reference. It is the best I have seen for 8th graders. Thank you for sharing. Are you sharing or selling the files of the cards you printed? Thanks so much for sharing with your newest follower, Heather
    I will link a post to it on my blog!

    1. Hi Heather, thank you so much for your comments and for blogging about my bulletin board. For the files, all I did was use PowerPoint and type in the units for each course... I don't think the file will be very useful since it is the Ontario curriculum :) However, if you want to achieve the same look check out the Grinched font on Dafont. Just download and install and you will be able to make all sorts of Seuss inspired titles! If you have a Silhouette Cameo machine it will cut out the letters for you ;)
      Thanks again!!

  2. Wow! This is an amazing bulletin board! Great job! I'm pinning (I hope it's ok with you!) :)

    Mrs. Mathis’ Homeroom

    1. Thanks, Renee, and of course it's okay with me :D
      I appreciate it!

  3. I love your bulletin board! Nice blog!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  4. I love it! You are so creative! I wish I had more of your creative skill. :)

