Learning Goal Tracker Pages

I am all about the learning goals!

I post them.
The kids copy them.
We discuss them.
We reflect upon them.
And when the kids ask what's on the test they know to look at them.

Last year I started using a log for the students to track their learning goals, the notes and activities associated with them.  Before class begins they know to copy down the date, learning goal and note/activity.  

We reflect on their progress to the goal before, during and after class begins with quick-checks (thumbs-up, thumbs-down), partner-checks (explain to your partner...), exit cards and tweet sheets just to name a few.  

If the kids are still struggling they've got options they can check to make sure they are able to accomplish each goal (ask a classmate, check online, go to Science Help, ask Mrs. B, etc).  

Finally, there is a place to write down any questions you still have.  Sometimes, if the kids have a great handle on the concepts I let them draw a big smiley face in this area to show that they've got it!

If you see the benefits to this then you'll want to get your students using a learning goal tracker.  it's never too late to start with these!  I've posted an editable copy at my TpT store for FREE!  Just let me know if you like it in the ratings and comments section.  I love the love you leave me :)

P.S. Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a free bingo game!

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